To read CAKE OR DEATH contact the authors for access.

    Anne-Geri' Fann

    Anne-Geri’ Fann (“Angie” / "Anj") and her extremely cool husband David love laughing with friends so hard that beverage comes out of their noses. Her ecclectic experiences extend from her birthplace of New Zealand to all over the world. She has enjoyed stuffy nights on an Italian train, accidentally body-surfed in Hawaii, torn a piece off the Berlin Wall right after it fell, and has fallen asleep to the sounds of rain on a tin roof in an adobe home on top of a Honduran mountain. She is a bit of a hippie who enjoys organic gardening, a nice cup of hot tea after a hearty hike, and would like more time in a pottery studio. Angie is a blogger-for-profit, a former Spanish teacher, an author/playwright, and often teaches religion and cultural anthropology courses on the university level. She published her first book in 2006. Angie is fluent in Spanish and dangerous in German, but her Klingon is hopeless. ;0)

    Elizabeth Hayes

    Elizabeth Hayes has seen a beverage shoot out of Anne-Geri’s nose, and it wasn’t pretty. Elizabeth began to call herself the George Bailey of Nashville, TN when, after several thwarted attempts to escape the clutches of her home town, she found that she quite liked it here. After all, there should be a few natives left, don’t you think? She does enjoy travel, however. She has fond memories of standing on the beach on New Year’s Eve under the Cape Hatteras Lighthouse, having morning tea with three delightful octogenarian sisters in Oxford, and arriving to perform at Carnegie Hall and realizing she didn’t bring her shoes. Having a lifelong love affair with the written word, she spent much of two decades as a librarian, while writing and directing for a traveling theatre troupe. Now she works for a small company that better supports her theatre addiction – and the voracious appetite of her strange little dog. Cake or Death is her second collaborative theatrical work; her first, Passage to Fey, was produced in 2006. & 2010. She is still convinced that her novel will one day make it from her brain to the page, if she ever stops getting sidetracked. Wait, what? Oh look - shiny!

    ...there's more!

    Anne-Geri' and Elizabeth would like to acknowledge their brilliant contributing editor and co-creator, Kelly Lapczynski. The three gals met while doing a show in 2004; around a year later Kelly stimulated the possibility of this project with a random suggestion at a restaurant. This comment was inspired just after the three of them blew two hours of their precious lives watching a very, very, very bad "original play." Soon after, Kelly skipped the light fantastic to San Diego and assisted in inspiring ideas and editing CAKE OR DEATH via email, phone calls, and sketchy web conferences. She is credited as the chief contributing editor in the copyright and any future publications.


    An actor for more than 30 years, Kelly Lapczynski has worked primarily on and behind Tennessee stages, including a management position in Nashville's oldest professional theatre, Chaffin's Barn. She also performed on and off stage for the Gaylord Opryland Resort and Parnassus Repertory Company. Kelly worked for 10 years as a radio DJ, including several years on a top-rated morning show. Kelly is the Founding President, Owner, and Festival Director of the New Perspective Festival of Theatre Artists in San Diego, California. She is now the Managing Editor of Tullahoma News in Tennessee.


    CAKE OR DEATH would not exist if it weren't for Kelly's support, enthusiasm, creativity, and voice. It is a thrill to have her back in Tennessee!